The LRSA Contract is negotiated every 3 years using the Interest Based Approach (IBA). Members are encouraged to read through the contract anytime there is a revision in order to familiarize yourself with processes and benefits that we have access to as Supervisors in the District. If you have an interest to be addressed within our Contract, please share it with your LRSA Board by completing the Contact form.
LRSA Contract 2022-2025
LRSA Contract 2018-2021 (extended through June 2022)
LRSA Contract 2015-2018
LRSA Contract 2012-2015
LRSA Contract 2009-2012
LRSA Contract 2022-2025
LRSA Contract 2018-2021 (extended through June 2022)
LRSA Contract 2015-2018
LRSA Contract 2012-2015
LRSA Contract 2009-2012